Preguntas frecuentes

Envío y Entrega

Servicio al cliente y tickets

¿Desde dónde envían?

We are shipping from within the EU.

¿Cómo empaqueta y envía sus productos?

The products are packed in special sachets made of folio paper.
Attached on each sachet there is a label indicating the name of the product.
Please pay attention to the name on the label as this differce from the chemicals IUPAC name.
In the sachet you will find the product in a zip locked bag for better storage.
We send out the sachets in plain envelopes without indicating its contents, no mention of product names or the website name on the outside of the envelope.

¿Qué países están incluidos / excluidos del envío?

Tenga en cuenta que el envío también está sujeto a la legislación, por lo que puede variar de vez en cuando.

Realizamos envíos a todos los países que se enumeran al finalizar la compra en nuestra tienda web.

¿Cuál es su tiempo medio de entrega?

Depending on the shipping option you have choosen, the average delivery time is 2-7 business days.
Please note that this applies ONLY after we have received payment.

¿Por qué no puedo rastrear mi pedido?
  • If you have requested Regular Mail as a shipping option we do not have a tracking number as this type of mail has none.
  • If you have requested Registered Mail as a shipping option, we will send you a tracking number by email.
    You can also login under My Account to find your tracking number there. If you have not received a tracking number AND the status of your order is on «Complete», please send a message to Customer Service
He perdido / olvidado mi contraseña.

Vaya a Mi cuenta en la parte superior de nuestro sitio web. Después de esto, puede hacer clic en «¿Perdió su contraseña?».

Me gustaría borrar / cancelar mi cuenta.

Envíe un ticket con su solicitud y eliminaremos sus datos de nuestro sistema.

¿Qué idiomas puedo utilizar para ponerme en contacto con el servicio de atención al cliente?

Puede comunicarse con nuestro servicio de atención al cliente en inglés.

No puedo registrarme en su sitio web, ¿pueden ayudarme?

You need to activate your account by clicking on the link in the registration email we have send you.
Please check your email’s spam folder.
If there is no registration email, please contact Customer Service

¿Cómo puedo cancelar mi pedido?

You can cancel your order by clicking on the «cancel» button.
Please note that this only applies for orders for which you have not yet done payment.
Orders for which you have send in payment are considered as a purchased order.

Mi pedido tiene el estado% 22Payment Pending% 22, ¿qué significa esto?

Aún no hemos recibido su pago, complete su pago dentro de los próximos 7 días.

En caso de que ya haya realizado el pago, envíe un boleto con una copia del comprobante de pago adjunto.

Mi pedido tiene el estado "Processing% 22, ¿qué significa esto?

Hemos recibido y confirmado su pago, estamos procesando su pedido. Su compra se enviará lo antes posible.

Mi pedido tiene el estado "Complete% 22, ¿qué significa esto?

Su pedido ha sido enviado. Tenga en cuenta lo siguiente:

  • Si ha solicitado Correo Regular como opción de envío, no tenemos un número de seguimiento ya que este tipo de correo no lo tiene.
  • Si ha solicitado el correo certificado como opción de envío, le enviaremos un número de seguimiento por correo electrónico. También puede iniciar sesión en Mi cuenta para encontrar allí su número de seguimiento.
Mi pedido tiene el estado "Canceled% 22, ¿qué significa esto?

You have placed an order with us, though we have not received payment within 30 days.
After this period of time, we automatically cancel your order.
If you did send in payment, please notify Customer Service by sending in a ticket.

Facturación y pagos

Productos y Ventas

¿Qué opciones de pago tienes?

You can pay with Bank Wire transfers and Bitcoin at this moment.
There will be more payment options available in the near future.

¿Cómo funcionan las transacciones de transferencia bancaria?

Payments by bank transfer mean ease of payment all over the world.
The bank transfer is a method of payment that is not executed automatically.

Consumer must also fill in Subject order number..

¿Para qué son estos productos?

The products available on our website are experimental chemicals that are used for scientific research purposes ONLY, in laboratories equipped according to the latest standards imposed by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry!
Research should be conducted by a certified chemist with a proper license!
This class of chemicals has undergone virtually no human or animal toxicity studies and there is little to no data on possible long or short term effects.

Si necesito un producto que no figura en su sitio web, ¿qué hago?

All the products available at the moment are listed on our web-site.
We currently research the market and try our best to meet needs and demands of our customers.
Our stock is being constantly updated with new products.
In order to receive latest updates from our company about new products and/or discounts, you can sign-up for our newsletters from our homepage.

¿Puedo obtener un descuento?

Please subscribe to our newsletter to be kept updated on our products, pricing and promotions.

¿Qué tan puros son sus productos?

The purity of our products has been specified in the product description.

Legalidad e información de mercado


¿Cuáles son sus políticas de seguridad?

Our online ordering system makes use of the latest technology on secure encryption.
All personal data and credit card information is submitted with the highest level of security.
Please note that we do not store any payment related information!

Please also read our Privacy Policy.

Es legal

Due to constant changes in the EU laws for various chemicals we hereby want to inform you, that you are responsible for checking if the product you order can be legally imported in your country.
We can’t take any responsibility for this.

The products we sell are unregulated in most countries we ship to, though we are not legal experts.
It is entirely the customer’s responsibility to ensure that the chemicals they order are not controlled in their country and if they are that they obtain any necessary licenses or permits that may be required by their authorities to import or use the chemicals in any way.
You are more than welcome to provide us with additional sources on regulative matters concerning our products, please notify us.

To prevent abuse and to facilitate our customers access to legal information we have started a database with a collection of several drug and pharmaceutical laws.
Please help us to expand this database by sharing links.
All the information you will find on this website are without any guarantees.

¿Es legal en mi país?

Continent Europe   info 

Country Legal Profiles
( choose your country)

Netherlands  info

Nuestra política de privacidad: ¡una lectura obligada!

En DutchCitySales estamos comprometidos a proteger y preservar la privacidad de nuestros visitantes cuando visitan nuestro sitio o se comunican electrónicamente con nosotros.

Esta Política de privacidad contiene una explicación de lo que sucede con los datos personales que usted elige proporcionarnos o que recopilamos de usted mientras visita este sitio.

Ocasionalmente actualizamos esta Política, así que devuélvala y revísela de vez en cuando.

Información que recopilamos

Al ejecutar y operar nuestro sitio web, podemos recopilar y procesar ciertos datos e información relacionados con usted y su uso de este sitio. Estos datos e información contienen:

1) Detalles de las visitas a nuestro sitio web y las páginas y recursos a los que se accede, incluidos, entre otros, datos de tráfico, datos de ubicación y otros datos de comunicación que pueden ayudarnos a comprender cómo los visitantes utilizan nuestro sitio web.

2) Información que los visitantes nos brindan como resultado de completar formularios en nuestro sitio web, como cuando un visitante se registra para obtener información o realiza una compra.

3) Información que se nos proporciona cuando nuestros visitantes se comunican con nosotros electrónicamente por cualquier motivo.

Uso de cookies

Nuestro sitio web utiliza cookies para distinguirlo de otros usuarios de nuestro sitio web. sin almacenar cualquier información de identificación personal sobre usted, como su nombre o dirección. Esto nos ayuda a brindarle una buena experiencia cuando navega por nuestro sitio web y también nos permite mejorar nuestro sitio. Una cookie es un pequeño archivo de letras y números que almacenamos en su navegador o en el disco duro de su computadora.

Las cookies contienen información que se transfiere al disco duro de su computadora. La mayoría de las cookies que utilizamos son cookies «analíticas». Nos permiten reconocer y contar el número de visitantes y ver cómo se mueven los visitantes por el sitio cuando lo utilizan. Esto nos ayuda a mejorar la forma en que funciona nuestro sitio web, por ejemplo, garantizando que los usuarios encuentren lo que buscan fácilmente.

Puede bloquear las cookies activando la configuración en su navegador que le permite rechazar la configuración de todas o algunas cookies.

Uso de su información

La información que recopilamos se utiliza para nuestro propio uso únicamente en el desarrollo de nuestro sitio web. Además, podemos utilizar la información para los siguientes propósitos:

1) Para proporcionarle información relacionada con nuestro sitio web, productos o servicios que nos solicite.

2) Para proporcionarle información sobre otros productos que creemos que pueden ser de su interés.

3) Para cumplir con nuestras obligaciones contractuales con usted.

4) Para notificarle sobre cualquier cambio en nuestro sitio web, incluidas las mejoras y los cambios de servicio o producto que puedan afectar nuestro sitio web.

Si es un cliente existente, podemos comunicarnos con usted con información sobre bienes y servicios similares a aquellos en los que ha expresado interés anteriormente a través de nuestro sitio web.

Almacenamiento de sus datos personales

Siempre tomaremos todas las precauciones razonables para asegurarnos de que sus datos permanezcan seguros y se manejen de acuerdo con esta Política de privacidad.

Los datos que nos proporciona se almacenan en nuestros servidores seguros y cifrados. La transmisión de información a través de Internet no es completamente segura y, por lo tanto, no podemos garantizar la seguridad de los datos que se nos envían electrónicamente y, por lo tanto, la transmisión de dichos datos es bajo su propio riesgo. Cuando le hayamos dado (o donde haya elegido) una contraseña para que pueda acceder a determinadas partes de nuestro sitio, usted es responsable de mantener la confidencialidad de esta contraseña.


Nuestros términos y condiciones - ¡Otro debe leer!

By using the website, products and services offered by DutchCitySales («the company»), or when communicating with the company in order to enquire or discuss ordering, you are agreeing to these terms in their entirety. The company reserves the right to alter these terms from time to time without prior notice.

All products are sold for research purposes only. They are strictly not for human consumption or for any form of in-vivo research or experimentation.


Products of Dutchcitysales are for laboratory research purposes only, and are not to be used for any other purposes, including but not limited to, in vitro diagnostic purposes, in foods, drugs, medicinal devices or cosmetics for humans or animals, for any commercial purposes or the production of illicit drugs. Also, all products are not intended by their manufacturer for human use or consumption. The chemical, physical, and toxicological properties of these chemicals have not been fully investigated and are not guaranteed.

Furthermore, any customer of Dutchcitysales declares to take full responsibility for any purchases (made now and in the future) of any product or service from Dutchcitysales.



Dutchcitysales makes no claims that the products offered may be lawfully purchased outside of the Netherlands. Purchasing the offered products may not be legal by certain persons or in certain countries. If you purchase the offered products from outside of the Netherlands, you do so at your own risk and are responsible for compliance with the laws of your jurisdiction. These Terms and Conditions are governed by the internal substantive laws of the Netherlands, without respect to its conflict of laws principles. Jurisdiction for any claims arising under this agreement shall lie exclusively with the federal courts within the Netherlands. If any provision of these Terms and Conditions is found to be invalid by any court having competent jurisdiction, the invalidity of such provision shall not affect the validity of the remaining provision of these Terms and Conditions, which shall remain in full force and effect. No waiver of any term of these Terms and Conditions shall be deemed a further or continuing waiver of such term or any other term.



The customer hereby acknowledges the following: The chemicals and/or supplies purchased may have hazardous properties; and that he/she is legally entitled to receive these materials. In consideration for the sale of the offered chemicals and/or supplies to the undersigned, the buyer agrees as follows:

  1. There is no warranty that the chemicals and/or supplies are merchantable or that they are fit for a particular purpose.
  2. In no event shall the seller, or seller’s heirs and assigns, be liable for consequential damages, nor shall seller’s liability on any claim for damages arising out of or connected with the sale, delivery, or use of the chemicals and/or supplies exceed the purchase price of the chemicals and/or supplies.
  3. The buyer will not use the chemicals and/or supplies in violation of any local, state, or federal law.
  4. The original customer, successors and assigns, agrees to hold the seller harmless from and will indemnify seller from damages caused by the use of the chemicals and/or supplies.
  5. That the conditions above apply equally to all current, past, and future purchases.

This disclaimer applies to any damages or injury caused by any failure or performance, error, omission, interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operation or transmission, computer virus, act of God, communication line failure, theft or destruction or unauthorized access to, alteration of, or use of record, whether for breach of contract, negligence, or under any other cause of action.

against any claims, actions or demands, including without limitation, reasonable legal and accounting fees, alleging or resulting from your use of Dutchcitysales services or your breach of the terms of these Terms and Conditions. In other words, you hereby acknowledge that any purchase shall be done at your own risk.

You agree that you will not hold the company liable for any harm resulting from improper use of any products sold. It is your responsibility to check that the contents of your order are legal to import, possess, and use for your intended purpose in your country or region. The company accepts no responsibility for any orders, or action taken in relation to the purchase or importation thereof. The products sold by the company are not intended for purchase, possession or use by any persons under the age of 21, and you agree that you are not under this age-limit, nor are you ordering on behalf of, or for supply to any persons who are. By ordering, you are confirming that you are a bonafide research institute, a research scientist, or a student of chemistry. All compounds are supplied strictly for laboratory research use only, primarily reagent testing and GC/MS reference, in well-equipped facilities, with all necessary safety equipment and procedures in place.

You also agree that you will undertake a risk assessment of the compounds and the way in which they are intended to be utilised, and will not proceed with, or allow, any actions to be taken which could cause damage or increased risk or harm of any kind to any persons, animals or property. You agree that you will implement strict procedures covering both handling and use of the substances within your organisation or facility, in order to prevent any improper usage or harm. You will acquire all necessary safety information prior to ordering, and label all materials as required.

The company reserve the right to refuse service to anyone who is suspected of misuse of their products, with a full refund being given in this event if an order has been paid for but not sent. Users will be banned from the site in this case.

The company warrants that its products shall conform to the description of such products as provided in the Company’s website catalogue. This warranty is exclusive, and seller makes no other warranty, expressed or implied, including any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose.

Buyer must notify the company within five days after the products have been received or such products shall be deemed to have been accepted.

No license or immunity under any patent is granted or is to be implied by or from the sale of any product.

The responsibility of all patent considerations in the use of our chemicals rests solely with the user.

The company accepts no responsibility for any packages once they have entered the postal system. The exception to this is when an order is made by a tracked method. Orders posted with the aforementioned services will be replaced and reposted free of charge in the event that they go missing, on confirmation by the Post Office/Courier Service. Orders siezed by customs will not be replaced however they are sent – it is the responsibility of the customer to ensure that they have the lawful authoriity and obtain any licenses that may be required to import and possess the products they are purchasing into their country, and to deal with their customs agents if an improper seizure is performed.

By accessing this website or engaging with the company in communication, you agree to accept that these Terms are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of The Netherlands. You also accept the exclusive jurisdiction of the Dutch Courts in relation to any dispute that may arise in connection with these Terms or your use of the Website or arising in any way from the Content.

If any terms of part of these terms are deemed unenforceable by a court of law, you confirm your acceptance completely that the remaining terms or parts of terms will remain valid and in force.

¿Cómo puedo convertirme en miembro VIP?

Please register on our website and send in a ticket with your request.
We will contact you about the possibilities as soon as possible.